Changing the Minimum quantity message

Putting short notes or messages on the check out that will serve as a reminder or a heads up to the customer is a smart move. This short note is called in-cart message. This will be helpful to the customers since they will be aware of other good offers they are qualified to avail.

The Wholesale Hero app allows you to edit the in-cart messaging to encourage customers to add more products or to display required minimum values for wholesale discounts to be applied. 

In this article, we are going to modify the texts on the Minimum quantity message, one of the in-cart messages. This message appears on the cart page when the quantity of the items inside the cart does not meet the minimum requirement as shown below:

To change this message, follow the steps below:

1. Launch the app and click Settings from the navigation panel.

2. Scroll down to the Language Settings section.

3. Edit the Minimum quantity message by entering the texts in the given field. 

4. Click Save.

The Minimum quantity message texts are now modified.

Here's a quick demo:

Changing the style of the messaging

If you would like to change the style of the messaging, the CSS for this is located in your theme.liquid file. Please note that basic CSS and HTML is required for this step.

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